What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

I would use SERVPRO of Hayward again as they clearly explained the process. 

I recommend SERVPRO of Hayward as they are courteous and polite throughout the job.  I would definitely recommend them to my family and friends.

Good work, very polite

Thanks so much for the amazingly fast and efficient service.  You guys were great to work with!

Phil and Taj made suggestions to as what I need had great ideas and did exactly what I asked. Looks great, feels good, and my carpet smells better too.  I am over pleased.

Both Josh and Terri were very helpful and professional. Thanks for your help.

All good things to those who wait!  Thank you for your patience flexibility, and understanding.  It has been a pleasure working with everyone at SERVPRO.

Dear SERVPRO Staff, 

We want to thank you for your services. Your efforts,  professionalism, and fantastic customer service was top notch.  We couldn't be more satisfied with the end results.  Be assured we will spread your company name and services.

Thank you Andrea.  I enjoyed working with your firm and the crew that executed the remediation work is great.  Your company was very responsive, prompt with providing an estimate as well as completing the work and revising the invoice to reflect actual work off of the estimate.  Great!