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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Tips for Storm Planning for Your Family | SERVPRO of Hayward

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of Hayward to help you recover.

The sound of thunder booming, lightning cracking overhead and tornado sirens going off can be a frightening experience for anyone. It can be even more terrifying for your children and pets, leaving you unsure of what to do first. However, with proper preparation, you can keep your family calm and collected during storm situations.

Our team has put together some simple tips to help you incorporate storm planning into your family routine, ensuring everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency. By following these steps, you can take control of the situation and make sure your loved ones stay safe during severe weather.

Watching the Skies

We all know the difference between a cloudy and sunny day, but recognizing the signs of an approaching storm is crucial. It’s important to teach your kids how to identify potential dangers in the sky. If they notice rotating clouds, a dark or green sky, or rumbling thunder and lightning, it’s time to head inside immediately.

In addition, it’s essential for children to know what a tornado siren sounds like and when it might be activated. You can help them become familiar with the sound by practicing during siren tests. Time them as they make their way to the designated safe location.

Preparing for the Storm

Have you and your family discussed what to do in the event of a storm emergency? It’s important to have a plan in place, including identifying a safe shelter location and preparing an emergency kit. When choosing a safe shelter location, opt for the lowest level of your home and a room without windows.

Keep the area around the shelter clear and consider moving heavy objects, like a table or desk, to create a protective barrier. Encourage your children to practice building a fort around the space and huddling together inside.

Your kids can also help you pack your emergency kit! Begin by gathering the essentials and involve your kids in the process of packing the emergency kit. Choose some of their favorite snacks as well as durable water bottles to keep everyone hydrated.

Assign each child a flashlight and make sure to include additional batteries for each one. It’s important to also include candles, matches, and any necessary medications or prescriptions.

Finally, let your kids choose some activities or games that will only be used during emergency situations. This can help keep your kids distracted and entertained while you are sheltering together.

Remaining Calm

Severe weather can be scary to anyone, which is why it is natural for your kids to be apprehensive about storms and severe weather planning. One way to ease your children’s fear during a storm is to educate them on the actual probability of experiencing severe destruction or being directly hit by a tornado.

In most cases, damage is usually limited to the roof, siding, and surrounding areas and doesn’t result in total devastation.

To keep their minds off of the weather, engage them in fun activities and try to narrate the events in a lighthearted manner. This will help them feel more at ease and confident during severe weather situations.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

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